Roblox gravity falls piano sheet. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Piano music roblox. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Raw download clone embed print report. Piano music Heathens a s a o a s a o u a s a o a s a o u f d s f d s f f a f d s f d s s f f a.
Roblox Autohotkey Piano
Jul 8th, 2013
Roblox Piano Hotkey Script
Auto Piano Hack
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Roblox Auto Piano Script
- ; Version: 0.1a
- ;
- ; Script Function:
- ; Script for playing songs on the virtual keyboard (at
- ;
- ; Copy the notes, double-click the virtual piano, and press l (no modifier keys since most of them are used/fuck with the piano)
- #NoEnv; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
- SendModeInput; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
- SetWorkingDir%A_ScriptDir%; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
- ;clipboard = %clipboard%
- Loop, Parse,clipboard
- if(A_LoopField='{'orA_LoopField='('orA_LoopField='[')
- sleeptime =45
- if(A_LoopField='}'orA_LoopField=')'orA_LoopField=']')
- sleeptime =250
- Send%A_LoopField%
- }
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